Range Support
Nass Consulting LLC is the top resource in Wisconsin for range upgrades, improvements, and expansions. Our advice has been used by clubs, law enforcement, businesses, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), and insurance companies.
Ranges are site and use specific. Don't waste time or money, help your club, range, or business continue to serve your community by promoting Safety, Education, Training, Marksmanship, and Competition.
We offer guidance on your plans, helping to insure they match your site and use. What may be required at one range may be a waste at another.
We can help you understand Wisconsin’s range protection. Jeff, as the head of the NRA’s state association, Wisconsin Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs, and Educators (Wisconsin FORCE), was the driving force behind the move to pass the bills, identifying problems, and helping the authors craft a solution and lead the lobbying effort to pass bills in 2010 and 2014. Working with the NRA in 2018, we helped pass the final portion of our range protection efforts.
Wisconsin Range Protection https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/895/II/527
For Range and Club issues contact Jeff at nass@athenet.net 920-687-0505
The Sound of Freedom is Heard Here! - Range Seminar
Information and insight on:
The best way to stay open
Range Safety
Range Protection
Funding Sources
Ranges are site specific – information that can guide you on properly upgrading your range based on resources, usage, and users Standard Operating Procedures and Signage
Target Placement
Security and safety
Club Finances
Contact us for more information. Email nass@athenet.net Phone 920-687-0505